Fish of the Month!

The Betta fish (Betta splendens) is a type of Gourami that live in the rice
patty fields of Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand. While in the wild these
subtropical fish live in a extreme variance of temperatures, they do best no
lower then 70 degrees. Unlike most fish, the Betta does not breath through
their gills they have a labyrinth organ which allows them to process oxygen
directly from the air. Many people believe because of this they can keep the
betta in sub-par water conditions, this is not the case. The Betta should be able to enjoy the same water quality as any other fish. Preforming a weekly water change using de-chlorinated water is essential to keeping them healthy.  These highly territorial fish are best kept alone as they are prone to fighting their own species and other fish with a pronounced finnage. If, however, you
wish to keep this species with other fish they tend to work well with White Clouds, select Rasboras, and Cory Cats.

Betta breeding can be successful if the proper techniques are used. First you must place the male and female in separate aquariums close by, this should prompt a mutual show of aggression which is the biggest sign of compatibility. The Male will then produce a nest
of bubbles on the surface of the aquarium, at which point you can add the female into the males aquarium. After spawning is complete and the female leaves the bubble nest it is imperative to remove the female and place her back into her own aquarium as to avoid any post spawning aggression. The Betta fish comes in many colors and fin morphs, no matter which one you decide on we are confident you’ll have a wonderful aquatic companion for many years.

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