Ram Cichlid

November’s fish of the month is a classic, well respected species – The Ram Cichlid. First described in 1948, “Mikrogeophagus ramirezi” is named after Manuel Ramirez, one of the first importers and collectors of the species. The species is naturally found in the soft, warm, and acidic water of the llanos savannahs of Venezuela and Colombia. Rams are highly sensitive to water quality, and should be kept at a pH of 5.2 to 6.7, with an optimal tank temperature of 80-81 Fahrenheit. Adding dark Malaysian Driftwood to the tank in an excellent way to provide cover for your Rams while also improving the acidity of their water.
Ram Cichlids are a sought-after species to the aquarium due to their status as a dwarf cichlid. Most cichlids grow too large or act too aggressive for most community aquariums. Dwarf cichlids, however, remain small and are significantly less of a threat to their tankmates, while still retaining the color and personality an aquarist can expect with larger cichlids. Rams in particular grow to no more than 3 inches, with females remaining slightly smaller than the males.

As a semi-social species, Ram cichlids form monogamous pairs. Most of the time, the females of the species will tolerate others of its kind, as well as other species of fish. Male Rams do not tolerate one another and will enter territorial disputes. However, when a pair begins to breed, both will establish a shared territory, of which they are highly defensive. Ensuring your tank is well planted is a fantastic way to keep aggression down in breeding Rams while also encouraging them to breed.
The Blue Ram, or ‘standard’ variety of the species is the most common, though several different morphs exist, such as the German, the German Blue, Electric Blue, Gold, and Balloon Body. The highly sought-after German Blue Rams are characterized by more intense coloration, with more black coloration. High grade German Blue rams come the closest to the intensity of the natural coloration. Diet makes a large impact on your Ram’s coloration. High keratin and high protein foods like Bloodworms and Mysis Shrimp are readily consumed while also intensifying coloration.

While their initial care requirements may appear strict, Ram Cichlids remain a fantastic beginner species for the world of dwarf cichlids. A staple species for Centreville Aquarium, we try to have them in stock as often as possible. If you’re looking for a new species to try, consider the Ram Cichlid.

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